- Our challenges : DRIVE : Demographic & social changes, Resource scarcity, Inequalities, Volatile scale complexity, Enterprising dynamics (with Mark Esposito)
- Our current reactions : procrastination (Tim Urban), punishment (Emmanuel Jaffelin), creating a butterfly by plugging wings to a caterpillar (Eddie Obeng )
- One solution : Artificial intelligence becoming a commodity, however there are many intelligences (Kevin Kelly) that could lead us to augmented humans (wings, x-ray eyes... Moran Cerf )
- But AI could outpace us as Lee Sedol experienced when facing AlphaGo (Nick Bostrom) and create major turmoils (loss of jobs, inequalities - Laurent Alexandre). Artificial intelligence Complementary Quotient would outdate IQ. However, we should never violate three rules : lose our body, our autonomy and randomness (still Laurent Alexandre ;)
- Thankfully, there is still hope, as long as we provide the nutrients to give birth to ideas (Cédric Villani). We must go beyond easy tricks to lure masses (Dan Ariely) and ride the light as Einstein did to foresee our future (Etienne Klein)
- Start by Design (AI) is a first step (John Maeda), giving a share to people in need (Leila Janah), extensively test AI by hackers (Keren Elazari) are others.
- If ever strong AI overcomes us, we will have one last thing it will never get Faith (Ingrid Betancourt)

What I wanted to do is to take all the sessions I have been to and create a story that drives you through what could be our potential futures. I didn't respect the order of the conferences I went to, but like notes of a song, I tried to put them together in a special order ... I hope you'll like the song(s) ;).

To summarize, our world is going through major challenges and trends, that Mark Esposito has coined into a keyword DRIVE :
- Demographic & social changes : world rise of elderly people),
- Resource scarcity ( moving away from a resourceful planet),
- Inequalities (growing between poor and rich and greatly magnified by perception, thanks to Internet everybody knows to what they can aspire but unfortunately can hardly obtain),
- Volatile scale complexity (our world is almost completely unpredictable), but with
- Enterprising dynamics (that could help us to face : Customer-focused, efficiency driven, engineering-based, science-based ).
As Tim Urban, in his personal life, human beings are the best in procrastinating and we are waiting for the Panic Monster to get out of our lazy bed. It starts to really scare us after the little (instant gratification) monkey fooled us (a rational-decision maker) by luring us that we have a planet full of resources, technology will always save us).
John Maeda show we have moved from people around a table to people with their nose glued to their smartphones which won't help us to face this situation.
Punishment would certainly be one of the solutions for Emmanuel Jaffelin but I am not sure it will create much enthusiasm ;)

Our challenge is not put wings on a caterpillar as would say Eddie Obeng but become a butterfly which means being able to break our usual barriers, stranglehold and deploy our wings Kevin Kelly would certainly say AI is a good thing because it would solve some major issues.
For me, artificial intelligence is a way to transform complex information into simple decisions. AI will become a commodity and flow like electricity or internet access for Kevin Kelly. It is powering objects with intelligence as electricity powered before objects.
However, there is a long way before, the arrival of strong AI. Today, there are many intelligences that we can already observe in nature (humans, animals and in a way vegetals), AI might be better than us in certain fields (especially perception) but it is certainly not better than us as a whole and not before a few decades. That's why he recommends that humans work together with AI to become centaurs (preferred to the word cyborg to express that we are taking the best of the two worlds) ... I think it's better than doing nothing and delegating eveything to AI ;)
Moran Cerf would even go further to enhance the human being : human with wings, or people seeing from gamma and x rays to radio waves. As blinds develop new senses, our brain could embrace new functionalities according to him. Sure, it would create some ethics issues ! We could even reach immortality, but who wants to live forever ? It gives me the shivers... Not sure, I'd like to have chips under my skin :) In AI, we are absolute beginners.
As Nick Bostrom, describes it, AI can go much quicker than we think. When facing AlphaGo, Lee Sedol went from "winning by a near landslide" to "powerless" in 6 months, one year later AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, the best Go player in the world, 3 to null.
AI starts even fooling us, making us thinks they could become creative artists, by applying well-known painter styles to pictures. Are we doomed to become contemplative and passive beings, letting AI become our guide ?
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